Friday, January 11, 2008

A 300 Euro Meal

No...I didn't spend 300 euros on a meal...but I did get to taste it!
Chef Bodier, the first Sous Chef of the Ledoyen (*** Michelin) came to the Cordon Bleu to do a demonstration. He made:

Beet macerated with smoked and citrus flavors
Truffle and fine macaroni timbale with a cream sauce
(and the head of pastry made) Chocolate and orange tartlet

Oh my God. The food was amazing. Everything looked like a desert. I was so incredibly sorry I didn't have my camera to take pictures. The macaroni actually stood up vertically on the plate to create this little box, and inside of it was the truffle and cream sauce. It was so delicious. (Though, I don't think I would ever pay for truffles, since they are incredibly expensive, and surprisingly for me at least, not that good. )

Now comes the kicker. The appetizer...alone...costs 85 Euros at the restaurant. HOLY MOLY! The most expensive main course (for one) cost 140 Euros. OH MY. So how do they come up with these ridonculous prices? They serve, on average, about 40-50 people per night that they are open...and they have 21 chefs (16 cuisine, 5 pastry) to serve them. That is one chef per two people! Amazing. Needless to say, I don't think I'll ever be eating there on my budget (now if Lehman or someone else wants to pick up the tab then....)

After the demonstration my roomate and I went out for a quick drink and then we went to see "le grain et le moulet" (I think that is what it was...) A very French movie. I didn't understand the first quarter of the movie, but then I started following much better. In typical French fashion, the movie isn't very happy....and its also way too long. It was obvious that it had nowhere near the budget of most Hollywood films, but that was nice too because the actors actually looked like real people (with wrinkles and even FAT!). I'm going to try to see some more movies (in French) so I can improve my comprehension and actually learn this crazy language while I'm here.


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