I am the "assistant" this week so that means that I need to get there early to bring up all of the ingredients that we need to prepare the recipe, then distribute them among all of the students. There is supposed to be two assistants for each class, but the other person who was supposed to come help today wasn't in class. In fact, we had only 6 people when we were supposed to have 8. I struggled a bit to find my way and how to get the dumb waiter (the food elevator) to work...and also struggled with the walk in refrigerator door. I didn't see the latch so when I pulled it didn't open...then the chefs (who have lunch in the room that is next to the refrigerator) said something in French and I thought it meant that the door slides...so I tried to slide it. They all started laughing!! Finally someone actually helped me get the door open, but I was completely red faced by then.
The class itself went pretty well...not amazing since I didn't quite get the timing and I should have looked more carefully at the recipe before we started cooking, but the soup turned out not bad. That made me happy. In cooking class, no one follows the same schedule. Its not like the Chef announces : "Okay, now cut the cabbage, and please stir the soup" rather he just walks around while you prepare it. I was definitely one of the slower ones (there was a guy who had worked in a kitchen for 4 years already and he was *so* good!) but it turned out okay.
Today, I learned how to cut properly (even if slowly), and I only cut myself once, and only a tiny little bit. So it was pretty good. I'm also very proud that I cut my first onion without crying, rubbing my eyes, or having to walk away for a moment to compose myself. YAY! My mirapoix cuts were uneven, but small and my other cuts were pretty good (though often uneven).
As I walked through the metro with my swimming pool sized container full of soup, everyone looked at me oddly, but I was pretty proud of my creation.

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