Today's "Puff pastry stuffed with leek and poached egg with a sauce I can't pronounce and can't remember" was a failure.
First the good news. The puff pastry (made in last practical and used during this practical) was nice. The dish also looked good:

(Chefs) (We did both rectangular and circular shapes)

Other than the lemon juice in the sauce, which was very evident, the chef miraculously said that it wasn't bad. But I knew better. Everything (3 eggs, about 3 stalks of leek, the veal stock reduction, and the chicken stock sauce) was thrown out. I originally intended to save my puff pastries from the destruction since they had actually come out quite nicely. But somehow I managed to forget the container in which I had put them, in the metro. Voila. Practical which resulted in no food taken home.
Basic is starting to annoy me. I understand the need to go through all of the basics (so far: Sauces and Doughs), and in fact thats why I chose to go to cooking school in the first place. But the choice of recipes has been horrid!! We could have done a nicer recipe with puff pot pie...or mini hors d'heurves ...instead we make something with leek and poached egg? Everything has an explanation, of course, since the school used the recipe how to teach us to poach eggs today...but ARGH!! C'mon! We can find something yummier!
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